





Not Available
Subclass Title
1/00 Shoes for horses or other solipeds fastened with nails (A01L 3/00 takes precedence)
1/02 Shoes for horses or other solipeds fastened with nails (A01L 3/00 takes precedence) Solid horseshoes consisting of one part
1/04 Shoes for horses or other solipeds fastened with nails (A01L 3/00 takes precedence) Solid horseshoes consisting of multiple parts
3/00 Horseshoes fastened by means other than nails, with or without additional fastening by nailing
3/02 Horseshoes fastened by means other than nails, with or without additional fastening by nailing Horseshoes consisting of one part

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Recent Patents

Not Available
Patent #TitleFiling DateIssue DatePatent Owner
9,107,398 Metal alloys composed principally of copper and horseshoes made with said alloys Jun 06, 11 Aug 18, 15 COMERCIALIZADORA KRAVIVA S.P.A., COMERCIALIZADORA KRAVIVA S.P.A.
9,107,418 Animal lesion treatment and prevention formulations and methods May 22, 13 Aug 18, 15 ZOETIS SERVICES LLC, ZOETIS SERVICES LLC

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Recent Publications

Not Available
Publication #TitleFiling DatePub DatePatent Owner
2015/0245,602 BOOT FOR HOOVES May 27, 13 Sep 03, 15 SHINGS AB,
2015/0237,840 PAD-LIKE SUPPORT DEVICE Sep 26, 13 Aug 27, 15 SVENSKA ELITSKON AB,

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