Subclass | Title |
1/00 | Shoes for horses or other solipeds fastened with nails (A01L 3/00 takes precedence) |
1/02 | Shoes for horses or other solipeds fastened with nails (A01L 3/00 takes precedence) Solid horseshoes consisting of one part |
1/04 | Shoes for horses or other solipeds fastened with nails (A01L 3/00 takes precedence) Solid horseshoes consisting of multiple parts |
3/00 | Horseshoes fastened by means other than nails, with or without additional fastening by nailing |
3/02 | Horseshoes fastened by means other than nails, with or without additional fastening by nailing Horseshoes consisting of one part |
Patent # | Title | Filing Date | Issue Date | Patent Owner |
9,107,398 | Metal alloys composed principally of copper and horseshoes made with said alloys | Jun 06, 11 | Aug 18, 15 | COMERCIALIZADORA KRAVIVA S.P.A. |
9,107,418 | Animal lesion treatment and prevention formulations and methods | May 22, 13 | Aug 18, 15 | ZOETIS SERVICES LLC |
Publication # | Title | Filing Date | Pub Date | Patent Owner |
2015/0245,602 | BOOT FOR HOOVES | May 27, 13 | Sep 03, 15 | SHINGS AB |
2015/0237,840 | PAD-LIKE SUPPORT DEVICE | Sep 26, 13 | Aug 27, 15 | SVENSKA ELITSKON AB |